Monday, July 31, 2023

Little did she know, she herself was a poetry.

 Little did she know, she herself was a poetry.

If I were a poet, I'd write-

Some short lines that rhyme,

In less than no time.

Its flavor tastes sweet,

lovely and complete.

Through my poems, I'd portray,

Those beautiful memories,

So that they would stay,

And live for centuries.

If I were a poet, I'd rather,

be quiet and commit everything to paper.

For I know poetry is a bliss.

And one day, I can be a poet too, I wish.

With the purest of emotions, I'd write,

Magical verses, so soft and light.

Sitting under the moonlit sky

I'd watch my words glide and fly

As it finds its way to the readers' hearts

And end up exploring different perspectives.

Forever in their hearts, it resides,

Without the slightest loss of its freshness.

It will grow and flourish deep inside,

For 'tis powerful and precious.

I'd make even the boring stories beautiful

with the melodious rhythm of my words.

My poems would tug at your heartstrings

with the intense love that it holds.

If only I were blessed enough to be a good poet!


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